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The Post Suicide Research Working Group Retreat | November 3, 2023

Suicide Research Working Group Retreat | November 3, 2023

Dear colleagues,

All interested faculty are invited to a 4-hour in-person Suicide Research Working Group retreat to strategize about new heights for suicide research at the University of Utah. The goal of this event is to provide space for suicide researchers at the U to present 1-slide lightning talks of their current research/ideas and to collectively brainstorm ideas for collaborative, cross-campus work and/or aims for new research endeavors.

This retreat will take place on Friday, November 3rd, 2023 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm (MST). This is an in-person event only. Location details will be provided when available.

Please RSVP for this in-person retreat by October 6th, 2023. RSVP is required to ensure a room with adequate seating can be arranged AND to ensure participants who want to present a lightning talk can be scheduled. RSVPs are accepted HERE. Lightning talks must be submitted as part of the RSVP process to be considered for presentation at the retreat.

In brief:

Suicide is a significant public health issue that cuts across multiple research domains. It is also a growing problem as suicide rates increased 36% from 2000 – 2021.

Given the breadth and urgency of the problem, the Suicide Research Working Group will bring together researchers from across the university to elucidate risk factors, identify mitigation strategies, and develop effective interventions.  In this retreat, we will share information on existing research resources, programs, funding opportunities, collaborations, etc. specific to Utah and Suicide research; brainstorm key research areas for the group to explore; and determine the next steps of the working group.

Please direct questions about this event to We look forward to seeing you!

Thank you!