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Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grants are provided by federal agencies to provide research funding for innovative projects with commercial potentials. These highly competitive grant awards intend to support initial feasibility testing (Phase I) and further validation/development (Phase II/III) efforts. Multiple federal agencies participate in these grant funding and award around 5000 grants per year ($3.6B).As a member of the Office of the Vice President for Research (VPR), Won Yong will assist the University wide investigators to find appropriate funding sources and to develop grant applications. He will help you seek and vet the commercial entities (small businesses) to partner with the U investigators. For the investigators successfully secured the initial funding, he has the expertise to guide you through the research investigation activities for the next stage of funding development. Won Yong will be leading SBIR/STTR grant writing, education, and workshop for the campus investigators.

Grant Development Associate – Contact US

Won Yong Lee, D.V.M., Ph.D.
SBIR/STTR Grant Development Associate

Dr. Lee joined the VPR office to spearhead the campuswide SBIR/STTR* and commercialization intended funding support. He has over 19 years of drug development experiences in pharmaceutical companies. Prior to join the OVPR, he was the Vice President of Research and led the multiple drug development programs at GlycoMira Therapeutics with funding supports from the NIH (SBIR Phase I/II and Commercialization Readiness Pilot Program) and served as a reviewer in a NIH study section. He holds 9 patents and numerous publications. Won Yong is a technophile and curious about your innovative scientific discoveries and engineering developments. Received his Ph.D. in Molecular Neuroscience from Mayo Clinic and D.V.M. from Konkuk University.

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